General Enquiries

Want to buy our products?

Unfortunately we don't sell through supermarkets but we do have a direct to the public outlet at our Everest Cafe located next to our manufacturing premises in Reservoir, Victoria. To find out stock availability and pricing, contact them direct on 9495 4618.

If you don’t live in Victoria, then you can contact your local food distributor as we supply to several all throughout Australia, including Western Australia and all the way up to the Northern Territory. Our interstate offices and contact numbers for NSW, QLD and SA are also listed on this page (on the right hand side) so we have you covered no matter where you live.

If you’re in WA or the NT, then drop us a line and we’ll point you in the right direction.

Contact Details

Everest Ice Cream Australia PTY LTD

14 Plateau Road Reservoir VIC 3073
PO Box 508 Reservoir VIC 3073
+61 (03) 9460 6588
+61 (03) 9462 1358

Everest NSW

+61 (02) 9605 7811

Everest SA

QLD Agent – Thermofreeze

+61 (07) 3393 4333
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